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- Write Checks
- ÀáSelecting a Checking AccountÀá
- In the upper left of the Write Checks window is a pop-up menu containing all
- accounts with checking privileges. If you do not see your checking account in the
- list, choose Chart of Accounts from the General Ledger command center and assign
- checking privileges to the account.
- ÀáBalanceÀá
- Balance is the current balance of the selected checking account. Click the arrow
- to zoom to Account Inquiry to see all the activity in this account.
- ÀáHandwrittenÀá
- If the check is not going to be printed by M.Y.O.B., check Handwritten.
- M.Y.O.B. then considers the check as already printed. When you print your checks,
- select All Unprinted Checks and the 'handwritten' check is not included.
- ÀáCheck NumberÀá
- M.Y.O.B. provides a default check number using the Last Check Number field
- from the account information entered in Chart of Accounts. If you change the
- check number, it resets the Last Check Number field.
- ÀáNote:Àá When you print checks, M.Y.O.B. (at your option) renumbers your check
- transactions to match the printed checks. So, if your printer eats some of your
- checks, don’t worry.
- ÀáDateÀá
- All checks are sorted by date. You may not enter a date prior to the conversion
- month or in a prior fiscal year. If you enter a future date, M.Y.O.B. accepts it,
- but only after warning you that the date is probably in error.
- See Dates in Chapter 1—Using M.Y.O.B.
- ÀáAmountÀá
- Enter the amount of the check. See Dollar Amounts in Chapter 1—Using
- M.Y.O.B.
- The checking account balance is credited (decreased) by the amount of the
- check.
- ÀáCardÀá
- The small cardfile icon means that you may (optionally) link this check to an
- entry in your card file. If you do not want to link to a card, simply press Tab.
- There are two reasons why you should consider linking this check to a card:
- 1. The payee field fills in automatically with the name and address from the
- card.
- 2. In addition to including this check with all the other transactions for this
- account, M.Y.O.B. cross references it by card. You’ll be able to use
- Inquiry—Search by Card to access and report on all transactions by
- selected card. Knowing what you did in the checking account is important;
- being able to list all checks written to, for example, the Tenant’s
- Association is real computing power!
- To select a card, see Selecting From a Search List in Chapter 1.
- ÀáPayeeÀá
- The Payee is what is printed next to 'Pay to the Order of' on the check. If you use
- window envelopes, the payee field is what shows through the window. It usually
- contains the payee’s name and address. If you linked the check to a card, the
- card’s name and address appears here. Feel free to change it. Remember, if you
- link the check to a card, changing the payee field will change what is printed on
- the check, but the check will remain linked to the original card.
- ÀáMemoÀá
- Enter whatever you’d like. Memos can be up to 255 characters, but because of
- report display limitations, it is most useful to limit your memos to 40 or 50
- characters.
- ÀáNote:Àá When you look at this check transaction in the Cash Disbursements
- journal, the memo field is displayed. If the memo field is left blank, the first
- line of the payee field is displayed.
- ÀáAllocation AccountsÀá
- To balance the transaction, you must allocate the check amount to the proper
- accounts. Since the check amount is a credit, the allocation amounts are
- considered debits. (If you enter a negative allocation amount, it becomes a
- credit.)
- Select the first allocation account (See Selecting From a Search List in Chapter
- 3). The allocation amount defaults to whatever is needed to balance the
- transaction. If this is the only allocation, click Record (or press Enter).
- If you’re allocating to more than one account, change the displayed amount,
- press Tab and continue the allocation process.
- ÀáJobÀá
- If the allocation account is an income, expense, cost of sales, other income or
- other expense account, you can assign the amount to a job (see Jobs List in
- Chapter 8—Administration). Type the job number and press Tab. If you’re
- unsure of the job number, press Command-L to see the job list. Select a job
- from the job list or click New Job to create a new one.
- ÀáNote:Àá If you need to assign an amount from a single allocation account to more
- than one job, enter the allocation account more than once. Say, for example, you
- have $100 of office expenses and you need to assign $30 to job 12 and $70 to job
- 43. Allocate to Office Expenses twice, once for $30 and again for $70.
- ÀáRecurring Check TransactionsÀá
- Instructions for saving, using and editing recurring check transactions can be
- found under the Help topic, 'Recurring Check Transactions,' or in Chapter 3
- of your User's Guide.
- ÀáRecordÀá
- Total allocations must equal the check amount before you can record the check.
- ˇNon-Check Withdrawals—Bank Fees, ATMs, and Transfersˇ
- There are two ways to record withdrawals from your checking account that are
- not checks: General Journal Entry or Write a Check. Either way, the transaction
- appears in your Inquiry—Search by Account display and checkbook
- reconciliation. The only major differences are that check transactions appear in
- the Cash Disbursements Journal and can be linked to a card, whereas general
- journal transactions appear in the General Journal and are unlinked.
- 1. General Journal Entry. Credit your checking account for the amount of
- the withdrawal. Debit the destination account (Bank fees expense, your
- savings account, etc.). The transaction is placed in the General Journal.
- 2. Write Checks. Be sure to use a unique check number (or a non-number
- like the word 'Fee' or 'ATM') to separate your non-checks from your real
- checks.
- ÀáNote:Àá When printing, you can select a range of checks by check number. Be sure
- to use a unique check number (or a non-number like the word 'Fee' or 'ATM') so
- it’s easy to omit non-checks before printing.